Hi everyone, we’re excited to share this special day with all of you! As we continue to plan our wedding we'll keep this site up to date with info. Feel free to reach out to either of us if you have any questions. Looking forward to seeing everyone in Whitefish!
❤️ –Lea and Mike
Lea and Mike's first date, backpacking in Rocky Mountain National Park
Lea and Mike's first road trip
Backpacking in the Maze, Canyonlands National Park
Lea and Mike bike from Canada to Mexico
First of many backpacking trips in the Grand Canyon
Lea and Mike move to Portland, Oregon
Lea and Mike summit Mt. Adams
Lea and Mike start surfing in Oregon
Backpacking in the North Cascades
Lea and Mike's first Christmas tree
Mike and Mike at the 1st Annual Mikes on Bikes
Lea and Mike live in Winter Park, CO for ski season
Lea and Mike carry their skis up Mt. Adams
Lea and Mike's first international trip together to Spain
Lea and Mike get their camper, Sella
Lea and Mike start their year off in Italy
Backpacking in Glacier National Park
Surfing in Baja, Mexico
Kayaking in New Zealand
Making friends in Australia
Skiing in Japan
Lea and Mike move to Whitefish, Montana
Lea and Mike get engaged!
Lea and Mike are getting married,
see you there!